Teaching Children
About God

Fulfilling the
Great Commission

Giving for the
Lord’s Mission

Healing Others at Chimala Mission

Working to heal the body and soul

Chimala Mission Hospital works to help the local community in Tanzania with their medical needs. However, our focus does not stop with the physical body. Our goal is to first show the people how much we care so they will also seek to learn why we care!  It is our hope that we can use our medical center as a base for teaching them about the healing blood of Jesus Christ for their soul.


Latest Reports

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Give a little & change a lot.


The Mission’s Guiding Principles

01  Our Mission

Our teaching of the Word of God begins at the school of preaching and our primary/secondary schools.

02  Our Opportunity

With every patient that we treat at the hospital, we also want to focus on their spiritual health as well.

03 Our Result

We want to prepare Christians to go and tell others in the villages of Tanzania about Christ and his saving blood.