Bernard Kulanga

Bernard Kulanga

Bernard Kulanga was born in 1954, at a village called Ukwavila, about half an hour from Chimala. He and his wife, Lida have seven children.

Bernard holds a higher national diploma and became an engineer in electronics and telecommunications and worked for the airport in Dar-es-Salaam. For 27 years, Bernard served the Chimala Mission Hospital as its director.

In Biblical training, Bernard holds three degrees: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and a doctoral degree, in religious education and psychology.

This is the second time Bernard has served as director in preacher-training at the Chimala Mission. He was the first director of the newly-formed degree program in coordinator with the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver called the Chimala Bible College in 2005. He accepted the directorship of the Chimala School of Preaching in June 2024.

Bernard also serves as one of the four elders of the Chimala “mission” or “Chimala B” congregation.