Category "Reports"

June 2022 Newsletter

July 15, 2022

Developing a self-sustaining mission in a third-world country is no easy task especially one the size of the Chimala Mission. But thanks to dozens of dedicated and hard-working Christian men and women, Chimala Mission continues to make progress towards that end. And much gratitude is extended to you, our supporters who have given the Tanzanian Christians the tools and skills to succeed. Hope you will enjoy this month’s issue of the Challenge of Africa!


May 2022 Newsletter

June 6, 2022

This month’s featured image is of nursing students from Harding and OCU, missionaries, and other mission church members. Visitors and a busy summer are synonymous at the Chimala Mission with more activities coming soon.

God is being glorified in all these good works which are being made possible by regular and one-time supporters. If you are looking to support one or more good works or special projects, there is plenty to choose from. Read of these special areas of support and more activities in this month’s issue of the Challenge of Africa. Thanks for reading!

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Luka and Claude – new brothers in Christ from Itamboleo

April 24, 2022

Weekend campaigns are a part of the evangelism work and training of the Chimala School of Preaching. The two young men pictured below, Luka and Claude, heard the gospel in their home village of Itamboleo from several CSOP students. Boaz Kasiba, one of the CSOP instructors baptized them into Christ for remission of their sins near the Herring Christian Secondary School at the Chimala Mission. We thank God for our students’ fruitful evangelistic efforts that regularly result in the conversion of precious souls like Luka and Claude.

Returning To Chimala

March 21, 2022

Please remember our missionaries who are returning to Chimala to resume their work in Tanzania. These are long trips that usually include two long flight “legs” plus one or two shorter local flights and a road trip. Nathan, Kristi, Eden, Emmy, and Rowan Ferguson have just arrived to Chimala today, the 21th of March.

Cheryl Bode will be beginning her long journey Tuesday, 22nd of March and plans to arrive to the mission Friday, the 25th of March.

Mary and I plan to return the 14th of April for a three-month stay.

There will be a number of projects and ministries to begin or resume this year. CSOP classes, planting at the Ailsa farm, a new chicken farm project, construction of the new sterile operational theater at the hospital—these are just to name a few. To top it off, the week-end evangelism conducted by CSOP continues to be highly effective in reaching the lost with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your continued love and support of Chimala Mission. Your assistance is having an impact on the present and future of the Lord’s church in Tanzania!

December 2021 Newsletter

December 28, 2021

Please forgive me for gloating just a little about our new grandson, Rowan Jude Ferguson born just before Christmas. I guess that’s one of the perks of being the writer and editor of a newsletter – including pics of your grandkids! But seriously, we are happy the delivery went well. Nathan, Kristi, Eden and Emmy are doing well and adjusting to their new family member. We have so many reasons to be thankful; and one of those is because of YOU and your love and support of the Chimala Mission. Thanks for reading!

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October 2021 Newsletter

November 10, 2021

The humble potato, packed with vitamin C, is said to have saved Europe from scurvy and population decline to eventually fueling the industrial revolution which forever changed the world. Believed to have been introduced to Africa by early colonists, Tanzania is the sixth largest producer of potatoes in Africa. In our effort to transition the Chimala Mission into a self-sustaining mission work, our farm program has great interest in crops such as potatoes as well as beans, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. King David recognized the importance of those who took care of the “stuff” (1 Samuel 20:34). While not as flashy as other departments, the efforts made in the farm program will better enable the Chimala Mission to survive political and economic uncertainties of today’s world. Thank you for your continued support of the Chimala Mission and for reading this newsletter.

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September 2021 Newsletter

October 7, 2021

New elders, a new preacher, farm plans, school graduations, hospital needs–these are some of the highlights in this month’s newsletter. Chimala Mission is always interested in people who have an area of particular interest to help. Many of you are helping already, and more are needed. God will give the increase in those areas where we sow. Let us not grow weary!

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August 2021 Newsletter

September 10, 2021

Nighttime fires at the Chimala Mission such as the one pictured here are occasional concerns especially in the very dry season of August – October. But God’s showers of blessings are always found in abundance if you look for them. I hope you will enjoy reading this August issue of the Challenge of Africa describing the continued good works that you help make possible.

July 2021 Newsletter

August 12, 2021

There is one purpose for the preaching of the gospel: to save the souls of lost sinners (Luke 19:10). To the first-century Jews, the message of salvation through Jesus’ death on the cross caused them to stumble. To the Greeks who emphasized the greatness of humanity, such message was foolishness. But to those of us who support and promote New Testament teaching, we know the message of the cross is the means to salvation to those who believe (1 Cor. 1:21-23). This is the foundational and guiding principle of the Chimala Mission work. Thanks to all of you who read the Challenge of Africa, as well as those of you who pray for and support this good work on a regular basis.

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June 2021 Newsletter

July 10, 2021

While people in the US are enduring the heat waves and tropical storms typical for summer time; Chimala is in the middle of its winter with cool mornings and evenings and very dry air. It is my favorite time to be at Chimala as every day is a “Kodak” day. The beans have been harvested from the Ailsa farm, and seminars have produced the spiritual fruit from the Bible lessons taught at Chimala. Always there is too much to include in one newsletter, but it is hoped that you will get a glimpse of the many good works and people involved at the Chimala Mission.

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May 2021 Newsletter

June 3, 2021

When Paul was a prisoner in Rome, he wrote that Onesiphorus “often refreshed me” (2 Timothy 1:16). Whether you are a soldier in a foreign land or an overseas missionary, having someone visit you is a very refreshing thing. Chimala Mission is always grateful for the occasional visitors who refresh its missionaries. Inside this edition of the Challenge you will read of a group of wonderful young Christians who not only refreshed but taught many children by word and example.

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April 2021 Newsletter

May 10, 2021

It’s hard to believe that it has been more than two years since a 40-foot shipping container has been sent to Chimala Mission; but good things take time. Lord willing in a few weeks the same blue hi-cube container that we packed and are sending across the oceans blue will finally arrive at the mission bringing much anticipated and needed supplies to bless countless men, women, boys and girls in the name of Jesus Christ. Thanks to all of you who contributed and worked tirelessly as this labor of love finally begins it’s journey. Read about this event and more inside this issue!

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March 2021 Newsletter

April 2, 2021

There’s always new people to meet and new things to do at Chimala Mission. In the “featured image”, Eden observes Mima making unleavened bread in preparation for Sunday’s Lord’s Supper. Such important lessons begin early and will last for eternity! We hope you will enjoy reading this month’s issue of the Challenge of Africa.

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Sympathy to the Country of Tanzania

March 18, 2021

Our deepest condolences are extended to the country of Tanzania in the death of Tanzania’s fifth president, Mr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli who passed away March 17th from heart complications after an extended hospital stay. President Magufuli was born October 29, 1959 and passed away March 17, 2021. He was 61 years old. Sympathy is also extended to his wife, Janeth Magufuli, their three children, and extended family. President Magufuli’s passing is specially of interest to the Chimala Mission and the readers of the Challenge of Africa as this great work operates in the this beautiful country of Tanzania. Our prayers to God are for the Magufuli family, the country of Tanzania, and for the future peace and security of the Tanzanian people.

In His service,

Howell Ferguson
Stateside Coordinator
Chimala Mission

February 2021 Newsletter

March 7, 2021

Every day after arriving at Chimala, one gets more and more acclimated to the time zone, altitude, and culture. Even after living here and making dozens of separate trips, you have to adjust back into being here; but it’s worth the effort. Slow internet makes producing a newsletter quite challenging at times. But I encourage you to take the time to read this edition of the Challenge of Africa!

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February 2021: First 10 Days at Chimala

February 22, 2021

We are now at the end of our second week-end here at the Chimala Mission after helping Nathan, Kristi, Eden and Emmy load-up and move across the world to their new home in Tanzania. Getting here was quite an endurance test not only with the flights, but also getting all the COVID tests and submitting the proper results documents. We arrived quite exhausted Thursday night (Feb 11th). Before landing in Dar-es-Salaam, we had a short stop on the island of Zanzibar where a small aircraft mechanical malfunction delayed our short 10-minute flight across the bay to Dar. With all of our luggage accounted for, we caught 2 taxis to carry us across the street to the FQ Hotel.

Since we have arrived, it has rained nearly every day which is good news for the farm program. Already, Nathan and I have preached twice; and Mary and Kristi have taught Bible classes for children in two different congregations. Kristi has been able to finally use her new Swahili language skills she has been studying for so long before coming to Chimala. Nathan and I have been busy with a lot of special projects including moving furniture, repairing a generator, running-off destructive monkeys and a few annoying snakes, setting up a meeting with the doctors introducing them to the new Butterfly ultrasound and software; and teaching Nathan how to drive a Land Cruiser 5-speed sitting in the right seat while driving on the left-side of the road. If it sounds confusing, it is. But you eventually get used to it. And we have already received our first gift from one of the CSOP instructors – a rooster! For now, he’s a pet in Nathan and Kristi’s small court area behind their house. Eden and Emmy are quite fond of the rooster and aren’t ready to cook him yet.

We have several meetings to schedule to get updates on the CSOP, the farm program, the schools, the general estate, and planning for the construction of a new sterile operational theater at the hospital. It appears more modifications will need to be made to the plans before consulting a contractor. This is a significant addition to the hospital; so we want to get it right before we pull funds and start construction.

On a personal note, my brother sent a text saying that our mother had a bad stroke Sunday evening and has been transported to Jackson (TN) General Hospital. She has had mini strokes before, but the ER doctor said the scan showed a big area indicating she had a bleeding stroke. He said she doesn’t act like she recognizes anyone. I would appreciate your prayers as we are hoping things will stabilize for her and she can be brought back to Union City. We are aware that the outcome of her condition may very well affect the length of our stay here at the mission.

God bless you for your love and support of the Lord’s work at Chimala. Howell

January 2021 Newsletter

February 7, 2021

Traveling by plane for a few hours, like Emmy is here doing, is taxing for little kids. Doing this for 24 hours, it’s a special kind of endurance test that most little kids like Emmy will likely never remember. In just a few more days, Nathan, Kristi, Eden, Emmy, Mary and Howell Ferguson will be on their way to Chimala, Tanzania after a three-week delay. We hope you will enjoy reading some of these details – and much more – inside this edition of the Challenge of Africa!

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January Mission Trip Announcement

January 18, 2021

Greetings to all of you who love and support the Chimala Mission!

I need to give you a brief update on our January 20th trip to Chimala. As you know, Nathan, Kristi, Eden and Emmy Ferguson were supposed to move to Chimala to begin their new work there as missionaries. Mary and I planned to accompany them not only to help manage getting them moved and settled-in, but also to evaluate a year’s worth of time spent away from the mission due to the COVID pandemic. On this trip, we planned to stay several weeks to evaluate and assist in the many aspects of the mission. Unfortunately, due to delays in getting Nathan & Kristi’s work and residence permits, we have no choice but to postpone our departure date. We have canceled our KLM flights and received vouchers that can be used to reissue new tickets. At this point we don’t have a definite date of departure; however, a general estimate would be mid-to-late February. I will give you an update as soon as I have more definite information. In the meantime, we ask for your prayers that this inconvenient delay might be removed. Thank you for your understanding. May God’s goodness and kindness always be at home in your heart!

In His service,

Howell Ferguson
Stateside Coordinator
Chimala Mission

December 2020 Newsletter

January 11, 2021

Wow, another year has come and gone! Even though the year 2020 was not what anyone expected, there are still many reasons to be grateful. The Chimala Mission was basically unscathed from any outbreaks of the dreaded virus. Many people put on Christ in baptism, and many others were restored. Nathan and Kristy were able to raise their monthly funds even though we were greatly hindered from reporting to churches this year. God is able to do great things even during less-than-ideal situations. And even though we begin another year with more unknowns, you have always been there for the Chimala Mission. For that we are all eternally grateful! Thanks for reading this month’s issue.

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November 2020 Newsletter

December 10, 2020

Black Friday has come and gone as businesses try to catch-up from any lag in their sales year. Here at the Chimala Mission we’d rather focus on Sunday and praise the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On that day we are also to “lay by him in store” as we have been prospered. In this issue, you are encouraged to consider the numerous ways you can help the Chimala Mission. The “Healing for Humanity” campaign, preachers’ kids, upkeep of the estate, unpaid hospital expenses, the farm program, next year’s shipping container, and overhaul of the mission generator–all are needed this time of year. Already people are helping in numerous ways, but the opportunity to do more for the Lord is continuous. Can you help?

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October 2020 Newsletter

November 2, 2020

A lot of forethought and planning went into the establishing of the Chimala Mission Hospital in the 1960s. Over the years there have been a number of additions and modifications to improve the quality of medical treatment offered. In this month’s featured photo, three medical staff leaders look over the drawings obtained in hopes of updating the hospital’s operational theater. Other hospital needs are discussed in this month’s newsletter including the greater need of spreading of the Good News of Christ and the success it is having at the Chimala Mission. Thanks for reading!

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September 2020 Newsletter

October 8, 2020

This month’s featured image is of an elderly sister who was baptized into Christ in 1960 behind the main mission at Kitikelo near the Ailsa farm. The person who taught and baptized her was Lenkos Mkwama who was then a young student at the Tanganyika Bible School located at Ailsa. Lenkos is now one of the elders at the Chimala Mission congregation. Although she fell away, this precious grandmother was restored back to Jesus Christ and His church due to the efforts of the CSOP. Such stories not only make this work exciting, they also confirm the incomparable longsuffering and mercy of God!

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August 2020 Newsletter

September 3, 2020

The song says, “Time is filled with swift transition.” But the Christian should never underestimate the effect of God upon this world nor the work of His hand at the Chimala Mission. God’s will is being sought in all that we ask and hope to do. There are certainly challenges on the horizon, and we hope you will read about them in this month’s issue of the Challenge and pray for the very best God has in store to occur.

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A New Brother In Christ at Chimala Mission: Dr. Esau Mwaipepe

July 19, 2020


Today our souls are thrilled at the news that the head doctor at the Chimala Mission Hospital decided to put on Christ for the remission of his sins. We are so happy to have this new brother in Christ. Dr. Esau Mwaipepe is much loved not only at the hospital but by everyone at the mission. His genuine care and compassion for his patients is unsurpassed. Now as a New Testament Christian, his ability to serve has been infinitely multiplied. We praise God for this wonderful news at the Chimala Mission!

In His service,

Howell Ferguson
Stateside Coordinator
Chimala Mission

June 2020 Newsletter

July 3, 2020

In this issue: the leadership of CSOP director, Frank Mwashikumbulu continues to emphasize evangelism as the primary goal of the Chimala Mission. We are very thankful also for the example Frank sets for the CSOP students as he not only teaches the Bible but he also shows the way by personally participating in this aspect of the mission’s efforts. Nathan and Kristi Ferguson are looking forward to joining him and others at Chimala in January. From the Dalraida elders, to the efforts of individual Christians, to supporters, to the farm program; it takes all and more to keep the Chimala Mission a shining light. Thanks for reading!

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May 2020 Newsletter

June 1, 2020

In this issue: What does the opening up of Tanzania look like for future travelers to Chimala? We may not know exactly. But if there is anything to be learned from the events in this world, it is you must be ready and willing to adapt. Needs continue to be filled in the preaching of the gospel, the healing of the sick and hurting, and the pursuit to teach children in the ways of God. Thank you for reading the Challenge of Africa!

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